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Financial Coaching

Your financial situation can be summed up by two things...Your income coming in and your spending going out.  In other words... your cash flow.  If you can improve your cash flow, you will instantly improve your financial situation.


Too often it is our belief systems that keeps us stuck in a financial situation that we are not happy being in. Unfortunately, it is very difficult for us to see our own belief systems.  This is where coaching comes in.  A good coach will help you see what you cannot see.  There is a saying that a fish cannot see the water that it is swimming in.  The same goes for the beliefs that you have around money.


A good coach is not someone who is necessarily better than the student.  For example, Tiger Woods has a golf coach.  That coach is not better at golf than Tiger.  Rather, he helps Tiger see what is preventing him from making a better swing.  This is what we help our coaching clients do.  We help them see what is preventing them from being in the financial situation that they want to be in.


It is about being honest, asking difficult questions and holding people accountable.  This is what we do for people who want to improve their financial situation.

    Fairway Asset Management


    2010 Crow Canyon Place

    Suite 100

    San Ramon, CA 94583


    78015 Main Street

    Suite 200

    La Quinta, CA 92253

    © 2024 by Fairway Asset Management, Inc.

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